
薰Fujino’s visit to campus to read excerpts from her award-winning novella “指甲和眼睛” was just one of many opportunities for Japanese language students to interact with Japanese authors during the spring 2024 semester.

Author 薰Fujino reads excerpts from her novella 指甲和眼睛 to a packed crowd in the 莱特艺术博物馆 courtyard. Author 薰Fujino reads excerpts from her novella “指甲和眼睛” to a packed crowd in the 莱特艺术博物馆 courtyard.
来源:Nicholas Mischler ' 14

50多人聚集在广场上 莱特艺术博物馆 to listen as author 薰Fujino 和 the book’s translator Kendall Heitzman took turns reading passages from “指甲和眼睛” in both Japanese 和 英语.

Hina, story’s narrator, recounts her experiences surrounding her mother’s mysterious death. 她会以第二人称与你分享这些想法,’ the secret lover her father brings into the family just months after the loss of her mother. 而“你”对年轻的女孩依然漠不关心, 中国一直密切关注着这个闯入者, 表现出她比女人自己更了解“你”.

Author 薰Fujino reads excerpts from her novella 指甲和眼睛 while translator Kendall Heitzman reads along. Author 薰Fujino reads excerpts from her novella “指甲和眼睛” while translator Kendall Heitzman reads along.
来源:Nicholas Mischler ' 14
藤野最著名的作品是改编恐怖小说, 科幻小说, 好莱坞惊悚片, 都市传说, 童话故事, 博物馆文化. In 2013, 藤野被授予芥川奖, 日本最著名的文学奖, “指甲和眼睛”.”

Ten years later, story was made available in 英语 for the first time in the publication of 指甲和眼睛,其中包括有名无实的故事和两个额外的故事.

Heitzman, 英语翻译, is an associate professor of Japanese literature 和 culture at the University of Iowa where he teaches literature, 电影, 剧院, 以及日英翻译. 他翻译的 指甲和眼睛 收到了日本-美国.S. 日本文学翻译友好委员会奖.


The event started with the reading of three excerpts from the book: an introduction to the characters, 一系列关于“你”的观察,以及母亲去世后的直接后果. 阅读之后, 观众向藤野和海茨曼提出了许多问题, 海茨曼将藤野的回答翻译成了英语.

苏珊古在Kendall Heitzman和薰Fujino旁边向人群讲话. Professor 苏珊古 speaks to the crowd after Kendall Heitzman 和 薰Fujino have answered a question.
来源:Nicholas Mischler ' 14

一个学生问藤野, “这个故事的灵感来自哪里?”

“There are a lot of stories out there about protagonists who are brilliant 和 easily hurt,藤野解释道. “Instead, I wanted to write about somebody who isn’t really self aware 和 never gets hurt. 当我看到一个场景,这个人“你”——从来没有受过伤害, who gets away with everything – finally gets hurt: that is when I knew I had my story.”

另一个学生问: “你的写作过程是怎样的??”

藤野说:“它始于一个情况或事件. “从那里, 我试着确定谁是重要的, 谁是次要的, 应该由谁来讲述这个故事. Until I am confident in the scenario 和 characters, I write the story over 和 over again. If when writing I find that the story should start at another point or be told from another character’s perspective, 可能会很痛, 但除了重新开始,我们别无选择.”

另一个学生问海茨曼, “翻译过程是怎样的?”

“因为我认识藤野女士,所以我问了她很多问题,”海茨曼说. He noted that things that can be ambiguous in one language sometimes need to be defined in a different language, leading to many questions about the details in the works he has translated: “Is this a single door or double doors,” or, “便利店的店员是男的还是女的??他接着说, 有时候作者真的知道, 有时作者可以和你一起猜测发生了什么. For me, I get all kinds of fun backstories 和 could work with Fujino to know what is important.”


Kendall Heitzman 和 薰Fujino speak with students in the course on contemporary Japanese literature. Kendall Heitzman 和 薰Fujino speak with students in the course on contemporary Japanese literature.

This visit by Fujino was one of many opportunities for students taking Contemporary Japanese Literature (JAPN 230) to speak with the authors whose work they were reading 和 translating as a part of their course work.

  • Yasuhiro Yotsumoto:诗集中的诗歌 雨歌 ——包括《菠菜白菜吧》,“一首关于危险黄瓜的诗。,” 和 “A Poem about Burnable Trash” – as well as several not-yet-published poems.
  • Keijiro日本须贺:诗集中的诗歌 一周和其他短途旅行, including “To the Open Ground,” “Water Schools,” “One Week,” 和 “Tokyo Fragments.”
  • Yusho Takiguchi摘自他的回忆录 我们将不可避免地忘记的时刻(爱荷华日记) 讲述了他去伯洛伊特学院读书的经历.
  • 薰Fujino:中篇小说《菠菜白菜吧》的前四分之一.”

“Our goal this semester was to read 和 translate recent publications by authors who are currently active in the Japanese literary scene,解释说 苏珊古,副教授 现代语言文学. “Many of the students in this class had taken an advanced Japanese class with me before, 所以我想尝试一些完全不同的东西.”

The inspiration for the course started when Furukawa attended a poetry event at the University of Iowa, 她在哪里遇到了耀本和Suga. 爱荷华州学生对他们作品的翻译给我留下了深刻的印象, 她决定让她的学生在春天学习诗歌. 一时兴起, she asked both poets if they could be interested in talking with the class virtually, 两人都立刻答应了.

Heitzman, who visited campus previously with other writers from Iowa’s International Writing Program (IWP) 和 knew that Beloit students would be well prepared 和 engaged, 帮助安排藤野在美国访问期间的访问.S. 图书巡展 指甲和眼睛. 古川随后联系了泷口, who visited Beloit in 2018 和 also immediately agreed to speak remotely with the class.

“I have been amazed by the generosity of all of these writers,” Furukawa says. 他们不仅欣然同意在自己的时间来上我的课, 但他们也与学生充分接触:为我们阅读他们的作品, 谈论他们的过程, 和 answering specific questions students had about use of language 和 translation.”

作者菅庆二郎会见contemporary 日本文学的学生远程讨论他的诗歌. 作者菅庆二郎会见contemporary 日本文学的学生远程讨论他的诗歌.

The opportunity to talk with the authors helped students better engage with their work in the course. 会议为任务规定了明确的截止日期, including bilingual research on the authors 和 their work as well as preparing questions they wanted to ask.

“Meeting the writers brought the language to life for them,” Furukawa explains. “学习阅读和翻译日语很难, 和 being able to ask the writers about specific words 和 images helped students to see just how dynamic the language is. 这门课确实让他们摆脱了记忆语法的世界, 汉字, 词汇和融入生活的世界, 呼吸, 语言总是在变化.”


我们与藤野先生和海茨曼教授的谈话非常吸引人,Mahala Berg的24股, 里面充满了有趣的故事, 灵感, 和 overall great advice about being an author/translator 和 the publishing industry.”

24岁的Charlie Starenko对此表示赞同. “This class is like a sleeper hit,和 things we have gotten to do are unbelievable. 因为我们已经和每个作者见过面了, 现实是,这是一个多么难得的机会, 和 it has made me realize the Japanese program at Beloit has prepared me for a wider range of job possibilities than I thought.”

藤野和海茨曼的访问是由 十大菠菜台子的部门 英语现代语言文学, 日本基金会纽约,和 爱荷华大学亚太研究中心.


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